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1 Administration and announcers
1.1 Everybody who is authorized by KOD League to administrate the competition based on its rules and regulations will be called an “admin” or “referee” in the following, the collectivity of all admins will be called the “administration”
1.2. Any news article posted on KOD League and/or the official competition website as an official announcement for the competition.

2 Participants and teams
2.1. Every real person – unless officially banned – with a valid steam account is allowed to participate in the competition and will be called “participant” in the following. Participants joining a team in order to fulfill the minimum required amount of team members will be called a “team” in the following

3 Commitments
3.1. Every participant has to show the needed respect towards referees and other participants. Insults and unfair or disrespectful behavior towards anyone are not tolerated and will be punished.
3.2. Every participant must always have the newest version of Steam and Dota 2 installed and has to check for updates in time before each match. Unless a new version comes out right before the match, patching is not a valid reason to delay it.
3.3. Every team accepts the official schedule of the competition and declares its ability to be available during these times.

4 Communications
4.1 All communication in between participants and referees has to be in English/Spanish language.
4.2. Referees should be contacted via fan page. Requests via any other platform may be ignored.

5 Teams and players
5.1. A Team has to consist of at least five and at most seven participants. Those persons will be called “team members” or “members” of the team in the following.
5.2. Team members can be removed or added during the competition as long as the minimum team requirements are met at all times.
5.3. Besides the official members a team has the right to use another person as a player during a match, if this person meets the following requirement: He is not member of another team or has played a game for another team within the competition. This person will be called “stand-in” in the following.
5.4 Stand-in allowed for the tournament is 3 maximum.

6 Schedules
6.1 The official schedule of the competition can be found on the website or in an official announcement. This schedule includes the time of each match or of each round (in which case all matches of the round have that time as official match time).
6.2. The change of a match time is only possible under exceptional circumstances and has to be confirmed by the administration.
6.3 If one team is not ready to start the match (but has shown activity) until 20 minutes after the match time, the opponents should report that 20 minutes after the match time.

7. Hosting & Settings
7.1 Referee creates the lobby for match and gives information for teams.
7.2 Spectators, every person is not allowed to join the game as a broadcaster or unassigned player. Official broadcasters, KOD staff members, and anyone authorized by a referee, have the right to spectate any game without the agreement of the teams.
7.3 Server Location, the default server location is defined US East. Other servers than the default one are used, if both teams agree and a referee decides on it
7.4 Sides & Drafting Order, One game: The first team chooses the side, the second team the drafting order. Two game series: The first team is radiant in game 1, drafting order is random. Game 2 is reverse. Best of three (or three games series): The first team is radiant in game 1, drafting order is random. Game 2 is reverse. In game 3, the first team chooses the side, the second team the drafting order.
7.5 Game Settings

GAME MODE – Captains Mode, unless stated otherwise by the individual competition rules
PENALTY-RADIANT – None, unless stated otherwise by an admin
PENALTY-DIRE – None, unless stated otherwise by an admin
SERIES TYPE – free choice, recommended to fit the match mode
Enable cheats – No
Fill empty slots with bots – No
All Chat – No
BOT DIFFICULTY – free choice
VERSION – Tournament
DOTA TV DELAY – 2 minute
8. during the game
8.1 Picks & Bans, the hero pool always consists of all heroes the game mode allows and might therefore change several times during the competition. The game must not be paused during the draft, unless a drafter disconnects.
8.2 Pauses, Each team has the right to pause the game for 10 minutes maximum, if a player announces it at least three seconds in advance and calls a coherent reason (exception: not necessary, if someone disconnects). The game must not be resumed before both teams agree with it. When the number or the duration of breaks becomes too high or long, the administration may force the continuation of the game.
8.3 Disconnects & Reconnects, if a player disconnects, the game is to be paused instantly. Everyone has up to ten minutes to reconnect to the game (if the same person disconnects more than once, all times get added up). If this time is passed, the opposing team may continue the game, unless an admin demands the opposite. The affected player is in this case still allowed to rejoin later on.
8.4 Broadcasting, Every authorized spectator (according to 4.2) inside the game is allowed to provide a video stream with a delay of at least two minutes. Spectators from DotaTV are allowed to broadcast a match with any delay. Upon request from the administration or KOD management these streamers have to use proper overlays and possibly fulfill additional requirements. The players are not allowed to watch or listen to any of these video streams or DotaTV at any time during their match. Furthermore they are not allowed to provide a stream themselves, unless there is no official broadcaster inside the game.
8.5 Bugs, if any serious bugs occur, the game has to be paused immediately and the administration decides how to continue. Abusing a bug is forbidden.
8.6 Tools / Hacks, the usage of any Dota-related tool aside from Steam and Dota 2 during a match is strictly forbidden.
8.7 Ending, a game is finished, when an Ancient Fortress is destroyed, when the majority of a team leaves on purpose, or when the administration decides on it. A game is end too, when a player types “gg” or “ff”.

9 Rule Violation & Punishment
9.1 Breaking of the rules or ignoring the order of an admin may result in a punishment for a whole team or a specific player. Type and amount is chosen by a referee.
9.2. Possible Team Punishments

Default Loss for one game
Default Loss for the whole match
Time Penalty for the next draft
Score Reduction (during a group stage)
Prize Money Reduction
Temporary or permanent ban from the competition
9.3. Possible Player Punishments
Temporary ban from the competition
Permanent ban from the competition

10 Distribution of the Prize Pool
10.1. All prize money transfers are handled via PayPal or bank transfer. Under certain circumstances a transfer via Western Union is also possible but needs the approval of a Tournament Supervisor. In case of Peru winner will send money directly. Other payment methods are not accepted
Last updated 21.12.2015 a 02:08